Factors Affecting the Frequency of Septic Tank Pumping and Ways to Reduce Pump-Outs

If you live in a rural home, chances are you rely on a septic system for wastewater disposal and treatment. As part of regular septic system maintenance, you should have a professional pump out your septic tank to ensure the smooth functioning of the system.

Septic tank pumping involves removing the solids that settle at the bottom of your tank. If not removed regularly, these solids can accumulate to a level of blocking the pipe that allows liquids to flow into the leach field.

Read along to discover factors impacting the frequency of septic tank pumping and how to reduce the need for pump-outs.

What influences the frequency of septic tank pumping?

Various factors influence the frequency with which you should have your septic tank pumped. These include the following:

  1. The size of your septic tank – septic tanks come in a range of sizes to match the needs of different households. The larger your tank is, the more solid waste it can hold, decreasing the need for and frequency of pumping.
  2. Your household size – the larger the size of your household, the faster your septic tank will fill up, and thus will require more frequent pumping.
  3. Your domestic water usage – the more water you flush down the drains, the more solid waste it sends into your septic tank, filling it up.
  4. The volume of solids in your wastewater – the composition of your wastewater will also impact the frequency of your septic tank pumping. Wastewater with a high solid waste content increases the rate of sludge accumulation in your septic tank, hence increasing the frequency of septic tank pumping.

How can you reduce the frequency of septic tank pumping?

Here are two effective things to do to minimise the need for septic tank pumping:

  1. Use water efficiently  – even if water is abundant in your home, you have every incentive to use it efficiently. Reducing your domestic water consumption will cut utility costs but also reduce the rate at which your septic tank fills up, consequently decreasing the need for pumping.
  2. Be mindful of what you pour or flush down your drains – certain waste types, including cooking grease, food scraps, cigarette butts and cat litter do not belong in your septic system. Discarding these unacceptable waste items in your drains increases solid waste accumulation in your septic tank, increasing the need for pumping.

Regular maintenance of your septic system is essential to ensure efficient removal and treatment of the wastewater exiting your home. Contact a septic system service professional for your free, no-obligation septic tank pumping quote. For more information on septic tank services, contact a professional near you.

About Me

Brain Drain: Septic Services To Solve Your Problems

Welcome. I'm Nat and I manage a national restaurant chain. It is a challenging job that I wouldn't change for the world. Whilst food and staffing are my core business, there are other issues that constantly present themselves. Believe it or not, one of my biggest headaches is septic systems! Restaurants have a lot of drains, including toilets and grease traps. Any problems with these facilities will not make for a pleasant customer experience! As my restaurants are often located in older buildings with ageing pipes, I like to access the best septic services available for inspections and maintenance. Restaurateurs love to compare war stories and septic services is quite a common topic of interest. I'm guessing that many people out there would like to know more about this subject, but find it difficult to access information. I trust that this blog can help. Thank you.

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