Common Problems of a Decentralised Wastewater Treatment System

As the population in cities continues to grow, many people are moving to regional Australia for a more comfortable life. Unfortunately, infrastructure development in the new suburbs has been slow. It is particularly the case for wastewater treatment systems because the areas are far from centralised sewerage lines. As such, regional communities have turned to decentralised wastewater treatment systems as a viable solution. However, most communities are unfamiliar with decentralised systems, making maintenance challenging. Consequently, it leads to noncompliance and hefty fines. This article highlights common problems that decentralised wastewater treatment systems encounter and the solutions for them.

Downstream Equipment Failure 

One of the most common problems that decentralised wastewater treatment systems experience is downstream equipment failure occasioned by debris buildup. Worn-out screens are the primary culprits in such failures since they allow through large, non-biodegradable solids in wastewater, which end up blocking pipes and damaging treatment equipment downstream. Therefore, ensuring that wastewater screens — fine and course — are clean and in optimal condition promotes efficient removal of solids. Consequently, it improves equipment reliability downstream and facilitates efficient wastewater treatment.

Constant Complaints About System Odour

Although wastewater smells, the odour should not be a problem after entering a decentralised treatment system. Therefore, when residents constantly complain about the foul smell from their sewerage system, it is advisable to identify the root cause. Typically, bad odour emerging from a wastewater treatment system is caused by the accumulation of hydrogen sulphide gas. Other than the rotten egg smell, hydrogen sulphide is corrosive and must be treated to prevent equipment failure. Possible sources of hydrogen sulphide along a wastewater treatment system include the influent pump station and the primary clarifier. Since the stations hold raw wastewater exposed to air, it is prudent to arrest hydrogen sulphide's foul smell in a decentralised wastewater treatment system. You can achieve it by using readily available odour control technologies.

High BOD Levels in Treated Effluent 

Some of the treated effluent from household wastewater ends up in water bodies and other natural habitats. Therefore, the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) levels in the effluent should be as low as possible before release. If BOD levels in treated effluent are high, you should suspect incomplete wastewater treatment. Consequently, released effluent will contain high organic waste, leading to excess oxygen consumption by bacteria. Ensuring complete wastewater treatment is the best way of keeping BOD levels in treated wastewater low. Additionally, you can inspect a system for sludge accumulation since old sludge tends to dissolve easily in the treated effluent.

Contact a provider of domestic wastewater treatment services to learn more.

About Me

Brain Drain: Septic Services To Solve Your Problems

Welcome. I'm Nat and I manage a national restaurant chain. It is a challenging job that I wouldn't change for the world. Whilst food and staffing are my core business, there are other issues that constantly present themselves. Believe it or not, one of my biggest headaches is septic systems! Restaurants have a lot of drains, including toilets and grease traps. Any problems with these facilities will not make for a pleasant customer experience! As my restaurants are often located in older buildings with ageing pipes, I like to access the best septic services available for inspections and maintenance. Restaurateurs love to compare war stories and septic services is quite a common topic of interest. I'm guessing that many people out there would like to know more about this subject, but find it difficult to access information. I trust that this blog can help. Thank you.

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